Writing Cover Letters
Unsure on how to successfully convey your skills to employers? Find out how to create your own Cover Letter!
Goal Setting
Learn about the importance of goals and tips on making SMART goals.
Open Learning
Explore the wonders of the open web! Read all about Open Educational Resources.
Personal Wellbeing
Learn about personal wellbeing and integrating into your daily life!
Study Spaces
Finding a study space can be challenging sometimes. Check out some of study spaces in IKB here! View UBC Study Map
Growing Grit
Dreams feel beyond reach? We’ll have you shooting for the stars -and reaching them!
Preparing for Interviews
Are you getting ready for an interview but not sure where to start? Look no further!
Read, Review and Organize
“Reading, reviewing and organizing are strategies that you probably use to help you process new information and make it meaningful.” “These are are often called cognitive strategies. Keep reading for some tips from the experts!” Organize the ideas presented This is most effective if it is logical – according to “theme, main ideas, relationships among […]
Plan and Evaluate
Strategies related to planning, personal reflection and self evaluation help you in learning and in life!. Orient yourself to each course Look through your course outline, course materials, learning objectives and assignment schedules. This orientation will help you to determine your goals and make decisions about the amount of time and effort you may need […]
The Reflection Process
Preparing yourself for learning often begins with a process of reflection. We suggest kicking this off with a few questions: Preparing yourself for learning often begins with a process of reflection. We suggest kicking this off with a few questions: Preparing yourself Preparing yourself for learning often begins with a process of reflection. We suggest […]
Supporting Collaboration
In the past, working on a common document could be a nightmare: the easiest solution was sharing a file over email, but this would result in multiple, conflicting versions, a limit of one editor at a time, and confusion over who had written what. Now, tools like Google Drive make this easier: documents have their […]
Resolving Conflict
Working in groups, from time to time, involves some conflict. Conflict occurs where people have a clash of values, expectations, opinions, interpretations, needs, or wants. Learning to manage conflict effectively is an important skill, and an essential component of your learning when working in groups. Conflict is: What are your ground rules for handling conflict? […]
Communicating Effective
Effective communication takes practice, and a strong interest in understanding (and being understood) by others. It’s about listening, and making time to ensure that your group is OK and on the right track with your project. What do you need to communicate about? Here are some of the things groups usually need to communicate about: […]
Group Process
Getting started with your group? One of the first things you might want to do is create a document, sometimes called a group charter, which clarifies what the group is about, what the group expects from its members, and other, related guidelines. Group charters make sure everyone’s on the same page, and prevent any disagreements […]
Office Hours
Going to your professor or TA during office hours is a great way to get to know your instructors and get some extra help. Here are a few tips to help you feel prepared and get the most out of your professor’s office hours. Do:
Reading Textbooks
Tons of reading to do? We’ll help you get through your reading list efficiently!
Recording 101
Find information on recording, editing, scripting, preforming, copyright, hosting. and more!
Writing block? We’ve partnered with UBC Library to help you write hassle-free
Contact Us
Want to get more resources? Book a room in IKB? Curious about Prof in Commons? Reach out!
Board of Thoughts
Share your thoughts and read other students’ perspectives on learning using this online board.
Profs in Commons
Stop by Profs-in-Commons to engage with TAs, student leaders, and professors outside the classroom setting to engage in interdisciplinary dialogue or to get learning support!
Academic Advising
Don’t know what courses to take? Having issues with courses? Talk to an advisor!
Borrow Equipment
Discover the equipment available for borrowing at our front desk! Find out availability, loan durations and compatibility details to make the most of your borrowing experience.
Working in Groups
Group projects can be stressful–and rewarding! Make the most of any project.
DIY Media Studio
Record high-quality video and audio by booking the DIY Media Studio. Learn more about the studio and how to book it here.
Print, Copy, Scan
We offer a wide range of printers, photocopiers, and scanners for all of your technology needs! Click here to find out more.
Interacting with Profs
Why should you go to office hours? Find answers to that question and more…
Foundational Skills
Find out how to utilize online learning platforms, reformat digital documents, and more!
Approach to Learning: Self Assessment
Everyone has their own way of learning effectively. What’s yours?
Course Registration: Self Assessment
Take this self assessment quiz and learn how to reflect your priorities in your course selection!
Open Licensing for Students
Did you know that UBC students own copyright? Find out more, here!
Common Knowledge
How do you cite something so basic, that it seems like common sense?
Citation: Self-Assessment
Learn how to navigate through some common citation errors and uncertainties!
Sleep and Academic Success
Snooze you…don’t lose? Find out how sleep affects your education!
Managing Your Time
Struggling to find study time? Mastering time management is simpler than you think!
Presentation Skills
Presenting can be stressful. With our tips and tricks, learn to present like a pro!
Presentation Design
Learn to design effective academic or professional presentations.
Cite Sources
Learn how to use different citation styles & connect with existing research.
Transferable Skills: Self-Assessment
Find out how your talents apply to the workplace and beyond!
Time Management: Self-Assessment
Reach your time management goals with these time management tips!
This guide offers helpful advice on building your budget as a student.
Communicating Your Needs
Learn a 3-step approach for navigating difficult conversations and boundaries.
Thinking Critically
Get the most out of your courses by mastering critical thinking. Find out more…