Our Space & Equipment




Discover the equipment available for borrowing at our front desk! Find out availability, loan durations and compatibility details to make the most of your borrowing experience.
We offer a wide range of printers, photocopiers, and scanners for all of your technology needs! Click here to find out more.
The Irving K. Barber Learning Centre has computers available for you!
Learn how to use them for printing, scanning, and more in this handy guide!
Record high-quality video and audio by booking the DIY Media Studio. Learn more about the studio and how to book it here.
Find information on recording, editing, scripting, preforming, copyright, hosting. and more!
Finding a study space can be challenging sometimes. Check out some of study spaces in IKB here! View UBC Study Map
Exams are stressful. Visit our quiet space to re-group thoughts, meditate, and pray as needed.

Stay in Touch

The Chapman Learning Commons is located on Level 3 of the Irving K. Barber Learning Centre on the UBC Vancouver campus.