GitHub: Free Access to Software and Subscriptions
Learn more about GitHub, its student developer package, and the free benefits that you can apply for as a student.
Overcoming Term 2: Ways to Tackle Burnout Near the End of the Academic Year
Learn about some reasons why you feel especially exhausted in the second semester and ways to tackle each component of burnout.
Back on the Road: How to Be Productive on Your Commute
Discover ways to stay academically productive on your commutes whether you transit, drive, or walk!
Transform Chores and Commutes with Audiobooks!
Let yourself be convinced about the joys and advantages of audiobooks for time-strapped wannabe readers or learners, with recommendations and links to free resources!
Why Keeping a To-Do List is a Good Idea
All work and no play makes for a sad to-do list – here’s how to make it better!
Navigating Time Differences for Online Exams
Time differences can make online learning complicated, and that’s even more the case for scheduled events like exams. Read on for our tips for being prepared for your big day!