Culture Shock, And How to Address It
Culture shock can be a very troubling experience – read Maxine’s blog post for advice on how to deal with it!
Must-Reads for Summer 2022
Find your perfect warm weather read by checking out our staff’s summer book recommendations!
Overcoming Term 2: Ways to Tackle Burnout Near the End of the Academic Year
Learn about some reasons why you feel especially exhausted in the second semester and ways to tackle each component of burnout.
Must-Reads for Reading Week 2022
Our Reading Week must-reads list has returned for 2022! Find your next page-turner by checking out our staff’s book recommendations.
Must-Reads for Reading Week 2021
Back by popular demand, a must-reads list for Reading Week 2021!
Why You Should Take the Transferrable Skills Quiz
Feel lost in your career prospects? Learn why our quiz can help you find your bearings.
Enhance Daily Productivity and Motivation with Exercise
Struggling to get work done with online classes? Learn how to implement exercising to enhance your productivity!
The Danger of Reference Points
We compare ourselves to others constantly, often to our own detriment. Chris sheds some light on how reference points make silver medal winners and heavy social media users unhappy.
Grades vs Educational Knowledge
Madeleine reflects on the difference between grades and knowledge, and why each is as important as the other.
How to Achieve Balance during Reading Week
We all approach reading week differently. Ivy shares why it is important to make time for both relaxing and studying!
Must-Reads for Reading Week
Itching for something to read or just plain bored? We’ve curated a list of all of our favorite books for you to enjoy over reading week!
Self Confidence for When You Are in a Slump
As a student, you have a number of different skill sets that make you particularly appealing to employers. Read further to find out what they are!
Developing Great Habits to Study/Work Remotely
Working or studying at home is awesome! But most of us are not used to it. Below are some tips that help me overcome the struggle of having too much freedom.
Pick Your Brain: The Neuroscience of Motivation
As a fellow student, I know what it’s like to wake up and have absolutely no motivation to get any work done. Have you ever wondered what the neuroscience behind motivation is?
How I Navigated an Academic Dilemma
I have always been indecisive, but going to university and spending all this money on a degree made me nervous. I wanted to know what to do and I wanted to just get through it as fast as I could.
Homesickness and the Education System as a First Year Student
Did September to December go by in a flash? Are you feeling excited and nervous at the same still figuring out where you fit at university?
Combating Winter Blues
Anyone who was in Vancouver for this past summer knows how amazing the weather was. Now that we’re back at school, the weather is starting to match our moods – grey.
What I Would Do Differently If I Could Do University All Over Again
My growing excitement to write this post quickly diminished when I realized my days as a university student was drawing to a close. How do I even begin to pen my experience?
I Think I Can!
Many students may not realize how significant self-efficacy can be to their academic success, let alone know what it means.
Setting Intentions and Getting to Work
It’s here! A new year. A new semester. How do we form more positive habits? We share some of our favourite apps to get the new year started off!