What to Consider Before You Start Content Creating
Are you thinking about creating content but don’t know where to begin? Here are some tips to get you started.
New Online Board of Thoughts Announcement!
Learn more about the new online Board of Thoughts: a community project that aims to foster conversation between students.
Zoom in Style: Best Places to Call on Campus
A guide to the best locations across campus to host Zoom meetings.
How Digital Tattoo can help you learn more about your online life
Learn more about the Digital Tattoo project and how it can support a more informed use of social media.
What You Need to Know in May: Summer Events and Resources
Whether you’re kicking off a new semester, or kicking back to lounge in the sun, we’ve got resources to share with you!
What questions about social media haven’t we asked ourselves?
There are a lot of questions to ask ourselves when it comes to social media use – check out Annika’s post to start reflecting!
All You Need for March: Finishing the Term Strong!
Check out our recommended resources and events for finishing up the semester!
Keeping the Spark Alive: Part 1
In the first installment of her series, Tiffany shares how to keep up excitement and relationships as we live and learn online.
All You Need for February: Tips, Reading Week and More
Check out our resources, events, and tips for succeeding during midterm season and celebrating reading week!
Why Keeping a To-Do List is a Good Idea
All work and no play makes for a sad to-do list – here’s how to make it better!
What Was It Like to Move for University?
Hear from Richard about how he navigated the joys and struggles of becoming acclimated to university life!
Navigating Time Differences for Online Exams
Time differences can make online learning complicated, and that’s even more the case for scheduled events like exams. Read on for our tips for being prepared for your big day!
Fake News! Who Cares!
How can you tell whether what you see in the media is genuine?
How to Be More Productive With the Use of Technology
Are you looking for some new resources to boost your productivity? Click here for a list of applications that will help you on your learning journey!
Online Writing Support
Check out the online writing-focused services and resources at the CWSC.
Online Writing Community
The Centre for Writing and Scholarly Communication is currently offering two Online Writing Communities designed to mitigate social isolation and encourage motivation.
Mental Health and Balancing Student Work Life
In this post we will focus on mental health and students’ work life, focusing in particular on part time jobs students have while studying.
Developing Great Habits to Study/Work Remotely
Working or studying at home is awesome! But most of us are not used to it. Below are some tips that help me overcome the struggle of having too much freedom.
How to Succeed At Transitioning to Online Schooling!
Given the rapid switch to remote learning this term, this new environment of online learning has had its ups and downs. Here are some resources to help with this challenge.
Things to Do for Free from Home
Stuck at home with nothing to do? Here are some free things you can access from home!