Finally, summer is here! Some of you might take a break after a hard-working school year (you deserve it!), and some of you might start your new journey at a summer internship or take a new summer course.
No matter what your plan is, we are so excited to bring you another monthly resources blog post with our topics focused on summer recharge tips. Additionally, since UBC courses will be offered mostly online again, below are some resources if you have any troubles with Canvas, Zoom, and other learning technologies.
Learning Technologies Troubleshooting
- The Chapman Learning Commons (CLC) provides support with academics and technology (Canvas, Zoom etc.) over email and chat.
- Our CLC Help Desk, on Level 3 of the Irving K. Barber Learning Centre, has the following hours:
- May 3-8 (Intersession hours): 11am – 4pm Monday – Friday, 12pm – 4pm Saturday.
- May 10-onwards (Summer hours): 11am – 5pm Monday – Friday, 12pm – 4pm Saturday.
- Click on these following links for information on learning technologies and software:
- Canvas Set Up
- Canvas Access
- Canvas Wifi Connectivity
- Collaborate Ultra
- Collaborate Ultra Student Guide
- Lockdown Browser
- Proctorio Student Guide
- Zoom Student Guide
- WebWork
- You can also learn more about functions of online learning software, printing, and more, with our Foundational Skills Videos series.
Irving K. Barber Learning Centre Summer Hours
Want to study at the library this summer? The Irving K. Barber Learning Centre (IKBLC) at UBC Vancouver has the following hours:
- May 3-8 (Intersession hours): 10am – 6pm, Monday – Saturday.
- May 10-onwards (Summer hours): 10am – 8pm Monday – Thursday and 10am – 6pm Friday – Saturday.
Click here to book a study space at IKBLC
Have questions on how to book a space at IKBLC?
- Our team has a video of step-by-step to show you how to book a study room.
- If you only want to book an individual study spot, this video has detailed instructions to show you how to do that.
Summer Recharge Tips
We have asked our fellow Chapman Learning Commons students for some summer recharge tips, and below are some suggestions for you to relax, enjoy, and maximize your summer.
1. Exercise
- Summer is a great time to start a new habit. Check out this blog to see a former Chapman Learning Commons Assistant (CLCA) Flint’s journey and thoughts about fitness.
- UBC Recreation is open this summer with new programs for you to try out (fitness, aquatics, tennis to name a few). Our IKBLC Assistant (IKBLCA) Sam has a blog post that talks about how exercise can help your productivity.
2. Self-Reflection and Self-Care
- As a school year just passed, it is important to self-reflect and slow down from your fast-paced lifestyle, to take care of yourself.
- What were the things you did that make you feel proud this school year? Celebrate it, write it down, and compliment yourself.
- What are the things you still want to work on? What are your plans to work towards it?
- CLCA Alina wrote a blog post on her approach to university, where she discussed the importance of self-awareness and self-acceptance. This blog might help aid you in your process of self-reflecting.
- The Keep Learning website is also a great resource for self-care tips.
3. Learn Something New!
- Summer is a slower time for you to reflect and learn new skills that you want to be able to develop further for your career development. Beside the wide-range of summer courses you can register for at UBC, the university also offers a lot of other resources.
- Want to learn a new language? Check out UBC Tandem Language Learning Program to get match with a language partner.
- Want to learn a new sport? Check out new programs that UBC Recreation offers.
From Your Peers
The Chapman Learning Commons blogs are written by our Chapman Learning Commons Assistants (CLCA), who are also UBC students. Check out these recently uploaded blogs from your peers below to pick up some new habits (ex: reading from our book recommendations) this summer, to develop some new habits to work effectively at home, or to learn tips for applying for summer jobs (there are still different employers hiring for students typically until the end of June).