Photo by: UBC Library Communications and Marketing
You are almost there! The last month before your summer break is here, and we are so excited to bring you another monthly resources blog post with our topics focused on Final Exam Preparation and How to Book A Study Space at the Irving K. Barber Learning Centre (IKBLC).
How to Book a Space at IKBLC
Want to study at the library this exam season? The Irving K. Barber Learning Centre (IKBLC) building at UBC Vancouver is open from 8am-10pm on Monday-Sunday, from Sunday, April 18 to Thursday, April 29.
Check out this link to book a study space at IKBLC.
Have questions on how to book a space at IKBLC?
- If you want to book a study room, click here for the instructions.
- If you want to book a study space individually instead, click here for the instructions.
Final Exam Preparation Resources
A) Stress Management
Exam season can be stressful. Drop by the UBC Wellness Centre’s virtual office to talk to a nurse or a Wellness Peer about stress management.
B) Technology Guides
- Familiarize yourself with the software you are using for exams. Sign up for our Online Exam Canvas course to test out your software and avoid technical difficulties during your exams.
- The Chapman Learning Commons provides support with academics and technology (Canvas, Zoom etc.) over email and video chat up to 1 hour before your exam (chat or video call from 9am to 4pm PST, Monday to Friday). Check out our Online Exams support page for information about key exam technologies and software.
- For tech troubleshooting during your exam, contact your instructors or the Learning Technology Hub to receive support.
- Self-enroll in our CLC Exam Canvas Course to practice setting up for your online exams using software including Proctorio, Lockdown Browser, and more.
- Keep Learning also has a page dedicated for Learning Technologies FAQs here.
C) Study Tips
- Time management is really important when it comes to planning your exam review schedule. Check out this Managing Your Time toolkit to establish short and long-term goals when studying for your exams.
- Chapman Learning Commons Assistant Tam wrote a very detailed blog post to help you prepare for an online exam here. She has shared tips on how to prepare your environment for an online exam and troubleshoot technical difficulties.
Events Coming Soon!
Exam Jam, April 15th, 2021
We know that final exam season is a difficult time. Peers and profs will help you succeed! Exam Jam is an all-day, virtual event aimed to help you de-stress, manage your time, develop more productive study habits, and learn course content. From time management and live tech support to peer study sessions and essay exam workshops, Exam Jam has something for everyone! Check our Events and Workshops page, where you can register for this event and learn more about other workshops from the Chapman Learning Commons.
From Your Peers
The Chapman Learning Commons blogs are written by our Chapman Learning Commons Assistants (CLCA), who are also UBC students. Check out these recently uploaded blogs from your peers below to best prepare for your online exams and online studying: