As a second-year graduate student, I thought I was quite familiar with the Irving K. Barber Learning Centre (IKBLC). I love using the dual display stations at the Chapman Learning Commons, enjoying the view from the Harry Potter Room (Ridington Room), and using the bookable study rooms to study with friends. However, it wasn’t until I started as a Chapman Learning Commons Assistant (CLCA) that I realized how many interesting spaces there are that I had never explored before!

Silent Study Spaces
Apart from the quiet study rooms, I discovered that the lounge on the first floor is very peaceful and rarely visited. To access it, simply go down the stairs near the southwest door (the one facing the Clock Tower). There are several green sofas and desks with chairs, making it a great spot to take a quiet break during lunch or read papers.

DIY Media Studio
I can vividly recall the anxious moment when I needed to re-record a section of a podcast for an assignment, only to find that all the study rooms at IKBLC and Koerner Library were booked, meaning I couldn’t find a quiet room to finish my assignment. This term, I discovered the DIY Media Studio, which is the perfect spot to record audio for podcasts!
The DIY Media Studio is sound buffered and equipped with microphones, a mixing board, a webcam, and a Mac computer with audio and video software.
Tip: Bring an external memory device to save large files, since they cannot be saved to the workstation and are deleted between sessions.
Exam Period Meditation Space
During each exam period, I often wonder where to find a place to relax on a bustling campus filled with people. Now, as a CLCA, I know that there’s a room reserved in IKBLC during exams to provide a quiet space for students (and others) to reorganize their thoughts. I will definitely give meditation a try this December!
Those are a few of the “secret” spaces I have discovered so far in IKBLC. Let me know in the comments below if you have any other “secret” spots around campus!