Tutoring & Advice




Get by with a little help from your friends- tutoring friends, that is! Tutoring is offered in a variety of subjects through our campus partners.
Prof and 2 students chatting
Stop by Profs-in-Commons to engage with TAs, student leaders, and professors outside the classroom setting to engage in interdisciplinary dialogue or to get learning support!
Peer Academic Coaches work one-on-one with you to help you achieve your academic goals!
Don’t know what courses to take? Having issues with courses? Talk to an advisor!
2 People looking at a book
Connect with the Centre for Writing and Scholarly Communications for writing consultations, workshops, seminars and resources.
Reach your time management goals with these time management tips!
Everyone has their own way of learning effectively. What's yours?
Take this self assessment quiz and learn how to reflect your priorities in your course selection!
Find out how your talents apply to the workplace and beyond!

Stay in Touch

The Chapman Learning Commons is located on Level 3 of the Irving K. Barber Learning Centre on the UBC Vancouver campus.