In my second year, I was experiencing some terrible tooth pains and needed to see a dentist as soon as possible. However, as an out-of-province student from Ontario, I was wildly unsure of how I was going to pay for the dentist visit, but I knew I had no choice. I had never used the AMS Student Health Care Plan and didn’t know how it worked.
I visited the dentist on campus and was prepared to go broke paying for the visit. However, they informed me that the visit was covered through the AMS Student Health Care Plan, and they directly billed the insurance company, meaning I only had to pay for a small portion of the visit. I was amazed that I saved over a hundred dollars using the student Health Care Plan (all while not having to do any extra steps myself)!
After this experience, I was thrilled to see what other services I could save more money on. For example, psychologists visits are covered up to 80% a visit (to a total of $1,250 a year)! I could not have guessed they also cover chiropractors, physiotherapists, osteopaths, and naturopaths, each for $20 a visit and up to $400 per year. Heading on a trip or going on exchange? The plan includes up to 4 months of travel insurance as well!
I also saw that the plan covered $50 on eye exams and $80 on contact lenses or glasses every two years. I was beyond ecstatic because I have terrible eyesight and wear contacts on a daily basis. After I was done with my eye exam, they also directly billed the Health Care Plan making it easy peasy on my end!

I encouraged my friends to book (their long overdue) appointments to make the most out of the $338.00 they pay in student fees for the twelve months of AMS/GSS Health & Dental Plan. Share your favourite ways to use the AMS Student Health Care Plan in the comments below!