Thinking Critically







Websites & Videos

Articles & Websites

Bloom’s Taxonomy (Website, UBC EOAS)

Check out this UBC webpage to learn about the six levels of the cognitive domain from knowledge to evaluation.

Growth vs. Fixed Mindset (PDF, Business in Greater Gainesville)

A useful infographic that describes the difference between fixed and growth mindsets and how these can affect achievement.

Foundation for Critical Thinking (Website, The Foundation for Critical Thinking)

A website dedicated to cultivating critical thinking skills that features various resources and events.


Critical Thinking 101 (YouTube, UBC LEAP)

A video that provides an introduction to the spectrum of authority and how to create a compelling argument on a topic.

Chapman Learning Commons Resources

Related Toolkits

Library Research

Research is one of the most exciting but also one of the most daunting experiences of students at UBC. Take the fear out of it with our helpful guide!

Reading Textbooks

One thing can’t be avoided at UBC: reading, and lots of it. Find out how to read effectively while also getting through piles of material.


As an university student, you’ll probably write a lot of papers. We’ve partnered with the UBC Library to bring you tools to help take the headaches out of writing.

Related Quizzes

Approach to Learning Self Assessment

Everyone has their own way of learning effectively. What’s yours?

Your Turn

Now you have learned several approaches to critical thinking. Take some time to ask yourself:

  • What is your biggest takeaway?
  • How did your perception of critical thinking change throughout the learning process?

Drop your comments below to tell us what you think!

2 responses to “Thinking Critically”

  1. Simple

    learning commons is a great addition to UBC Vancouver

  2. KANG, Minjin

    Thank you for the video.

    I realized that in my daily life, I often go through routine tasks without thinking critically.

    In fact, critical thinking can be applied not only when learning or gathering information but also in our everyday lives.
    Especially when it comes to making important decisions, as mentioned in the video, it’s crucial to carefully assess the credibility and logic of the information.

    I appreciate the valuable insights shared in the video. Thank you again!

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