As a UBC student, from deadlines to club activities, social life to doctors appointments, I always have more on my to-do list than my brain can ever remember. Since turning to Google Calendar (GCal), my organizational life has been optimized and my time management skills have saved my life so many times! I want to share some of the simple tips and tricks anyone with a Google account (or any other calendar software) can use to also make the most of the little time we have for the busy and rich lives we all live!
Setting Up Your Calendar
Any online calendar is great for keeping track of all the little details of my life, but I have found that Google Calendar has worked the best for me with all of their features and customizable qualities. One tip that I always use at the beginning of a new semester is to link my GCal to my school schedule by using the calendar link provided on my UBC Canvas (Canvas > Calendar > Calendar Feed Link > Paste into Google Calendar “From URL”).
- Go to UBC Canvas
- Picture of the “Calendar” button on Canvas
- Click “Calendar Feed” and copy the link
- Go back to Google Calendar and click “Other Calendars +” then “From URL”
- Paste the “Calendar Feed” link and click “Add Calendar”
Doing this automatically uploads my classes to my GCal without me having to manually enter them including the location and time of the classes so it’s a great time saver at the beginning of the semester. Secondly, I create different calendars for all separate “genres” of tasks and needs that I want to keep track of. For example, I have calendars specifically for the birthdays of all my loved ones and my anniversaries. I also have calendars separating my academic goals into classes, assignments, and exams so I can keep track of all of them as the term progresses and gets busy.
I like to personalize the calendars and give them complementary colours and match them with cute icons to keep my calendar looking aesthetically pleasing and coordinated. I choose from a variety of colours by clicking on the 3 dots on the side of the calendar name and using the “+” to access the colour grid to choose the perfect shade for me!
Another way I keep my calendar low maintenance is by setting frequent tasks to repeat by using the default or the customizable repeat function. This way, I don’t have to go in and replicate my events or tasks every time they come up.
Filling In Your Calendar

Once I have my GCal all set up, filling it in becomes so much easier but when life gets really busy and I have deadlines on deadlines, I like to use this little exercise to help make my tasks seem more manageable!
- Blurt out all of the tasks, deadlines, and events onto a piece of paper
- Categorize them into genres (urgency, task type, how long it will take to complete the task, etc.)
- Break down the larger tasks into smaller steps to visualize how you will complete them
- Put all the tasks into your GCal under the appropriate calendars to conceptualize your workflow
When putting anything into your calendar, I like to make things easier for my future self and add as much information as I can when I first register my entry (ex. Location of event, anything I need to prepare in the description portion, setting notification reminders, etc.). Doing this helps me to have all of the information I need at my disposal and consolidated into one entry in my calendar. Keeping up with the large and smaller tasks, I also divide it up visually on my GCal by setting the larger tasks as “all day” so they appear at the top of each day for easy accessibility while the smaller tasks are timed throughout the day in the times I know I can get them done.
Keeping Up With Your Calendar
Setting up and filling my calendar is great, but ultimately unsuccessful if I am not able to keep up with the goals and deadlines I have set for myself. To help myself to remain motivated even when I have so many things to complete, I use the “Tasks” function so that when I do finish a job I can actually check it off, giving a visual and tactile gratification to completing a task.
Linking my GCal to be accessible on all of my devices is another way to keep track of my tasks and progress no matter where I am. I especially like using GCal because even if I don’t have my personal devices, I am able to check my calendar by logging into my Gmail. It keeps everything very accessible and open.
Lastly, I like to adjust my GCal after my day is done to reflect the actual amount of time I spent on each of my target items. For example, if I ended up staying at the library studying for one more hour than I had originally planned, then I will go back and adjust my calendar to reflect that extra hour of studying. Doing this helps me to remain accountable for the work and effort that I put in daily so that even if I don’t end up meeting my targets, I can still feel proud of my accomplishments of the day and plan for more productive days in the future!
Do you have any golden GCal tips that have made your life so much better? Share them with us and leave a comment below!