Congrats, Grads!
This graduation season, we’re sharing some essential resources for new beginnings!
How to build confidence as an introverted minority
Learn how an introverted minority student builds her confidence during her time at UBC.
New Quiz Announcement!
What are some transferable skills that you’ve gained during your time at university? Take this quiz and find out…
A Guide to Spring Cleaning and Why You Should Do It (Hint: It’s Good For You)
Refresh and reset for the new season with some spring cleaning tips!
How Digital Tattoo can help you learn more about your online life
Learn more about the Digital Tattoo project and how it can support a more informed use of social media.
What’s an “External Email Security Warning Tag”?
On May 5th, UBC will implement an External Email Security Warning Tag on Student and Alumni email accounts to help identify phishing by flagging possibly suspicious emails.
What questions about social media haven’t we asked ourselves?
There are a lot of questions to ask ourselves when it comes to social media use – check out Annika’s post to start reflecting!
My Journey to Getting Better With Money
Learn about how Keli’s discovered how to create a budget that works for her.
Tips & Tricks for First Time Job Hunters
Check out Kira’s tips on how to successfully start searching for your first job.
Connect with the Online UBC (Uni)verse
There’s lots to explore at UBC, even if you’re only visiting online – here’s a handy guide to get acquainted!
Keeping the Spark Alive: Part 1
In the first installment of her series, Tiffany shares how to keep up excitement and relationships as we live and learn online.
Why Keeping a To-Do List is a Good Idea
All work and no play makes for a sad to-do list – here’s how to make it better!
Foundational Skills Videos
Check out our new video tutorials and learn how to convert files, utilize online learning platforms, and more!
The Importance of Seeking Out Mentorship
This week, Chris shares how he’s benefitted from seeking out mentorship, and how you can reach out to someone, as well!
How to Get the Most Out of Your University Experience (Part 2)
Have you been wondering about what resources are available to further your academic and/or career goals?
The Pros, the Cons, and the How-To’s of Work School Balance
Should you work part-time during your studies at UBC? Read all about the pros and cons of doing so, and how to manage your priorities if you do!
How to Get the Most Out of Your University Experience (Part 1)
Are you curious about getting involved at UBC, but lost as to where to start? You’re in luck! Read all about clubs, jobs, and volunteering opportunities in this week’s blog post by Tiffany!
Beware, Not All Advice Is Good Advice
As we’re entering the beginning of our winter semester, you may find yourself on the receiving end of a lot of people’s well intended advice. Click here to find out why I’m telling you not to listen to them.
3 Tips for Eating Cheaper without Cooking Every Meal
If you have been having a hard time budgeting your food allowance, Minori shares a few tips and recipes that will give you the best bang for your buck!
They’re Going to Find Out!
Impostor Syndrome is a common phrase that’s flung around these days. What exactly is it and what can we do to manage it?
Phone Phobia: Tips for Calling for When You Just Can’t Text Instead
Do you ever get nervous about making an unavoidable call on the phone? Here are some tips to help ease your phone phobia!
Mindfulness Meditation as a tool for Mental Health and Academic Success.
Do you wonder why we have negative or positive thoughts? Meditators believe it stems from the formation of attachments to our thoughts and behaviors.
How to Recover from an Interview Failure
Your first job interview can be intimidating. For me, my first interview was a nightmare.
Why It Is Not So Hard to Earn Some Cash and Experience in Your University Years
School is busy, but gaining some work experience can be a good idea if you have enough time for a part-time job.
When things don’t quite go like you PLAN-ned
Lists. Agendas. 5-year plans. 10-year plans. In university, we are consistently planning and encouraged to do so.
Sleep, Exercise and Balance: Part III
Balancing schoolwork with personal life or family relationships could even improve your academic performance and boost your personal wellbeing.
Sleep, Exercise and Balance: Part II
In Part 2 of this three-part series, we examine the role of exercise and physical activity and their impact on exam scores.
Sleep, Exercise and Balance: Part I
In Part 1 of this three-part series, we explore the importance of sleep on student achievement and well-being.
How to Excel at Teamwork
4 tips and tricks that will help you to work confidently and contribute ideas effectively while working in a team setting!
Decision Making: Does Stress Recovery Exist?
How does stress impact our ability to make decisions? What are the best techniques to have a productive, relaxing winter break post exam?
Belonging to Tomorrow: Can Procrastination Be a Good Thing?
What is the brain science behind procrastination? Can procrastination as a student sometimes be a good thing?
On Decision Making: What matters to us?
What decisions do students go through here at UBC? What matters to them? And, how exactly do students go through the decision making process?
Struggling? Stressed?: Adopting a positive attitude to challenges
Students at UBC are often well-versed with the myriad of resources available on campus. Throw one of us a problem and we can often quickly spit out a resource that we know our peers and ourselves can access: “Feeling sick?” “Go to the doctor?” “Not getting the grade you want in classes?” “Get a tutor.” […]
What Does it Mean to Be a Professional?
‘Professionalism’ is one of those buzzwords which often gets tossed around by people who want to give you career advice. But what does it mean to be a professional? Rarely does anyone give a precise definition of what it means to act professionally, and when someone does, they generally produce a rigid list of rules […]
Are We All Just Robots?
University students are often faced with endless streams of assignments, midterms and tests. We are frequently worried about whether we are: taking the right classes to maximize our GPA, getting into that major that will look “competitive” on our CV, and making sure that we are checking off the requirements for graduation. All of this […]
How to Stay Hungry and Foolish Over the Summer
With classes out, the overall decrease in academic stress can often leave students without any clear sense of purpose. However, it also opens up many new avenues for personal achievement. Whether you’re taking classes, working a job, or immersing yourself in foreign cultures, in the words of the late Steve Jobs, now is the time […]
Is Student Health A Myth?
As the semester draws to a close, stress is heightened more than ever not only because of academic factors but also through our personal lives as well. With all of these stresses, one of the first things to fall through the cracks for a lot of people is their health and well-being. Health covers […]
Living on a Student Budget
Beginning this term, I found myself in a difficult financial situation. I came to Vancouver low on money without working this summer and numerous expenses waiting to be paid. It was a horrible way to start the beginning of a new term. I felt so insecure, that it started to impact me academically. Instead of […]
Confessions of a Yogi, Part II
CLCA Yadu talks about “the key to more success” and the art of seeking
Landing a Summer Internship
CLCA Sindhu shares the steps she is using to get a summer internship
Mental Stealth: Student Life and Self-Care
Our CLCA Nicole brings us the first in a series of blog posts about mental health and well being, including some helpful tips and resources